The day I got the news

Two days ago, I read a poem "The day I got the news" by Cynthia Snow from an old edition (2009) of The Massachusetts Review. Not my kind of poem, hihi..but liked it...Here's the full version...

My heart rose up through my throat
and skittered away
like a Lucifer hummingbird.

I reached out to grab hold
but you know hummingbirds
fast, featherweight, short on trust.

I couldn't stem the exodus.
I'm not the Messiah
though I did want
sun streaked white clouds,
brightness everywhere.

I could only watch
the smallest blur of wings,
a stop motion gaze --
eyes on me, eyes away, body away,
away, away, gone. And here
at the kitchen window
a sponge soaked with sugar water.
And here, at the dining room table
my hands, in the umbrella stand,
six tidy, geometric holes.
And here, in my throat, nothing
but want of sugar.


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